3 min read

Shaping a Greener Future: Assertive Yield Releases an In-Depth Look at Green Advertising and Scope 3 Emissions

As the world becomes increasingly conscious of and concerned for the impact of climate change, companies are looking for new ways to reduce their environmental footprint and push for more sustainable business practices.

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One of the latest trends in the digital media and programmatic advertising industry is green advertising, which uses data and technology to target environmentally conscious consumers and promote sustainable products and services.

But what exactly is green advertising or green media, and how does it differ from traditional programmatic advertising? In a new eBook, "Shaping a Greener Future for Programmatic," Assertive Yield’s executives and experts explore the ins and outs of this growing field and what it means for the future of programmatic advertising.

One key concept discussed in the eBook is "Scope 3" emissions. These are emissions that occur in the production and distribution of a company's products or services, but are not directly caused by the company. For example, emissions from the manufacturing of a product or the transportation of goods to a store would be considered Scope 3 emissions.

Scope3 aims to decarbonize the media and advertising industries by solving a simple issue: providing data on where the emissions happen and how much they are. It is the supply chain emissions data standard for organizations wishing to make carbon-aware business decisions.

Assertive Yield’s stance is that by removing the 'dead weight' in the programmatic supply chain, traffic shaping and optimizing the supply path or Supply Path Optimization (SPO) helps to shape greener traffic with lower traffic costs improving the outcome for both auctions. When done correctly, traffic shaping and SPO, among other strategies, strengthen the supply-demand connection by making it more efficient.  Simply put, by removing all the junk, traffic shaping allows supply and demand to get right to work more cleanly.

In fact, demand-side platforms such as Google Display and Video 360, Facebook Ads Manager, Amazon DSP, and others are beginning to incorporate this new trend into their products and are working to make their data centers more environmentally friendly.

On the supply side, SSPs such as Sharethrough and EMX are also pioneering this new market trend by collaborating with Scope3 to offer more carbon-neutral solutions. In addition, OpenX, the first ad exchange to be independently recognized as carbon neutral for its "OpenX Path to Net-zero," is paving the way for others to follow.

All of this proves one thing: Plans, initiatives, and solutions are being implemented and deployed to address every challenge connected with making green media a reality across all sectors of Adtech.

Overall, "Shaping a Greener Future" is a must-read for anyone in the programmatic and digital media industry looking to stay ahead of the curve on green advertising and sustainability. It provides valuable insights and practical advice that can help AdTech reduce its environmental footprint and improve its bottom line.

“So overall, GumGum can now safely implement QPS thresholds based on partner-by-partner needs, which is something that we weren't able to do before. So, that's probably one of the biggest things that we've been able to take away from our partnership with Assertive Yield” Kara Petrocelli.

Discover how GumGum achieved a 30% QPS on average reduction using Traffic Shaping, read the full story here

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Written by

Angela A. Oladipupo

Content Analyst

Angela is a wordsmith who skillfully transforms complex concepts into engaging content, making significant contributions to the advertising industry. Leveraging her wealth of expertise as a content writer, she crafts compelling narratives that seamlessly bridge technology and communication, whether with her pen or keyboard.
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